Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So on Sunday we decided to go for a drive and ended up at my parents house. Then we decided that we should try and brave going up to the community pasture even with all the rain we have had. We made it up there alright but our trucks got a little dirty but it was worth it, It turned out to be a beautiful day and the scenery was amazing!!


Rayanna Hogg said...

Sooo fun wish I was there. Your pictures turned out super duper cute!! I love all the yellow flowers, I hope you picked a bunch and took them home! Love ya

Tiffany said...

Looks like you had a great time ! Cute family pic.

Lindsey Smith said...

What a cute family, you guys are perfect. I have been wishing taht I could come viset you guys for a while, i miss Canada. I want to ride some crazy horse and get bucke dof just like old times. Then i want to tell Shupump stories, you know what I'm talking about. Miss you guys.

MnS said...

I love Canada!! Sure do miss it!! Great pictures and you have a very cute family.

sidandlindaadventures said...

Oh my goodness - thank you so much for those photos. The daffodils and Old Chief, the Quaking Aspen all brought back a flood of memories - almost making me cry. What a beautiful land you live in. Thank you for sharing it and filling me with sweet memories.